Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Night Out With The Mates

It wouldn't be the holidays without a night out with Stacey, Dave and Diane (aka Didi to blog comment readers).   This is us early in the night.  We are still calm and respectable.  When we sat down and put the bags on the counter behind our heads I said, "Those bags are going to end up in all our pictures…"  
 The boys were so happy to be together.  A golf trip to Scotland is in the works for these guys so blog readers can look forward to those posts in 2014. 
After a few drinks we like to take Angry Photos.  Look at that finger pointing action!!!  Don't I look hostile? Diane and Stacey are scared of me.  The message here is:  Don't mess with me, even in jest.
 Bill and Dave took angry to a level of fisticuffs.  Queensberry rules, boys!!
 Best picture of Stacey in 20131  Doesn't she look great?  Too bad that soup strainer made it into the shot.
Opening Presents
 And then things got a little rowdy.  This is the only photo I can share.  Yes, that is a roll of toilet paper on my head in a fine dining establishment.  Diane wound up stashing it in our Coop bag so we now have pilfered paper in our home loo.
Our time at home is passing quickly but we are trying to pack in as much fun as possible.  If only we could bring all our friends with us back to London.
Happy New Year, dear blog readers!

1 comment:

didi said...

Good times, great friends, beautiful photo of Stacey!!!