Monday, January 6, 2014

The Return of Sam

Had breakfast at brother Scott's this morning.  Great to see Tina, he and Alix (Eric working a long shift at Duncan Donuts).

 We had a surprise guest; Sam.  Sam was one of the neighborhood kids in Danvers who we spent all our time with.  We used to play street hockey and wiffle ball and such.  Later, when the kids were little I used to take snippets of our childhood and embellish stories about Sam.  I wrote little books for the kids, called Sam Stories.  There were stories about the tree house we built, Sam's snake, his intimidating Dad, to name a few.  It wasn't until the kids were older that I told them the stories were mostly fiction.  I assume they knew that already, considering how fantastical they were.  I am either a wonderful story teller or I have simple kids.
I suppose the fact that Joey told kids at school that the next Harry Potter book was titled "Harry Potter and the Foot Long Doo Doo" answers that question.  That one I was SURE he knew was made up.  Nope.
 Tina and Scottie-o made us a fantastic breakfast.  It was great to just hang and tell stories about growing up.
 I think I'll work on a new series of Sam Stories.  The kids are old enough to know they are a bit fabricated.  Or are they .... ?

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