Sunday, January 12, 2014

We are Londoners!

Yesterday was exciting but exhausting!!  First a flood update…The water was rising in the street but still not coming up to the back of our house.  For some perspective,only 24 hours earlier the street was blocked off back behind that fence post on the right.  There is a very ready stream of water pouring out from the left.  I'll have to ask Louise for an update to see how high this gets.
 Fortunately the water did not impact our activities.  Our movers fast and efficient.  Too fast actually because we couldn't get in to the new place until 12:15 and we were there an hour early.
This is our street…oops…I mean MEWS.  We sent the boys off to get a bite to kill an hour while we went in search of the local pub.
 And we found it right around the corner - The Victoria.  At 11:30 it was very quiet with two guys who looked like regulars sitting at the bar.  I suspect you will be seeing a lot of pictures from this pub.

We are almost completely unpacked so hopefully tomorrow I will post interior shots.  But for now - here is our new home.
The mews is somewhat hidden from the main street.  This is the little narrow drive heading in.
 Since there are no yards most people have made a garden in the front of their flat.  The result is so charming.  One couple had a little grill out front last night and most people have picnic tables.  It was very quiet here last night although a marching band probably could have walked past and I'd have slept through it.  

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