Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The New Walk

Eton flood update…cars are stuck a flooded road near Eton (story here )
Bill's Datchet golf course is under water (story here )
It rained off and on in London over the past 24 hours so I'm sure that didn't help matters.  Meanwhile, we are enjoying our time in the new 'hood!

 Lucky for me it was clear skies in the morning so today was my first day doing my power walk in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. I took lots of pictures so you can see my new route.
First Landmark - Marble Arch
 Achilles is one of several statues vying to replace King George III in my heart. He'll need to work harder than that to win me over.
 Although it's not conducive to exercise, there are several very pretty garden areas in these parks.  This is the rose garden.  It will be nice to watch this area bloom over the next few months.  
 I liked this little home made bird feeder.  It's just half of a plastic soda bottle on a wire - probably not an official feeder of the Royal Park.  I wonder who keeps it filled?
 The Albert Memorial is on my route.
 As is Kensington Palace and this statue of Queen Victoria.
A few park shots…this makes it look deserted but it was not.  One of the drawbacks was how busy the main paths are and how many cyclists are whizzing by.  

One my way back to the flat I took a picture of one of my neigh - bors!  

1 comment:

didi said...

Do you think you'll take up riding?