Monday, January 20, 2014

Prime Minister Update

We have just confirmed that we are neighbors with Tony Blair.  In a prior blog post we were on Archery Mews - which seemed like kind of a tucked away little house for a prime minister.  What we didn't realize was that was the BACK DOOR to his 3.5million GBP home on Connaught Square.  We walked by the front door tonight where there were two guards.  They wouldn't give us the name but they told us to google it.

And here it is:

Do you think Tony will want to smoke cigars with Bill?  Will Cherie want to hang with Jen for the London chapter of NPPS?  Time will tell….


didi said...

Very cool! Maybe Simon can make a friend?

didi said...

You should update the Wikipedia post to include yourselves in the list of notable neighbors!

Kats said...

Very cool - but more excitingly (for me), you're also next door to Claudia Winkleman whom I love.

Jennifer said...

I never heard of Claudia Winkleman before…but now I'm on a mission to be BFFs!!