Thursday, January 9, 2014

Water Water Everywhere

We heard it did nothing but rain while we were home for the holidays.  And when we got back we were treated to torrential downpours.  Yesterday I could finally get out for a walk to see how flooded everything was.  This is our street about 50 yards from our door.  Since I sit in the front window to work all day I can watch one car after another start to drive down…stop….back up…and turn around.
 Just over the bridge, the walk on the Windsor side of the Thames is completely flooded.   That stone wall is at least waist level, maybe higher, and the water is almost up to the top.  I told Bill we needed to move before we wound up under water.  Of course I shouldn't complain since it's fairly balmy during the day - low 50's - while everyone at home is dealing with the polar vortex.  Is it Spring yet?
AM Update:  I went out this morning and saw that the water is even higher today…our usual seat at the brasserie is now flooded and the balcony of the posh riverside flat is now at sea level.

 When I got back from my walk I saw that we even have a flood sign in our driveway (which would probably be more effective if it was in the middle of the street).

1 comment:

didi said...

How are the swans managing the flood? And what about the carnival workers?