Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wodehouse would have enjoyed it

When Bill was traveling last week I had to find ways to entertain myself.  One way was to take myself to a show. 
Here I am - excited for the show.  I was able to snag a great seat at the last minute since I could take a single.  The show was terrific!  Of course, they had the perfect source material - Wodehouse is genius and Bertie's adventures with the silver cow creamer and Gussie Fink-Nottle's newts at Totleigh Towers are some of my favorites.  There were only 3 actors in the show - Bertie was always Bertie but the other two played everyone else.  One great scene had Matthew Macfayden in two half costumes - one side the father, the other his daughter and he kept turning back and forth the play the scene.  Very well done!
 Matthew Macfayden was the celebrity draw for this show.  Not a household name (sorry Matthew) but you might recognize him from British show MI5 or as Mr Darcy in the updated version of Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightly). I didn't get a shot during the show but I waiting outside with a handful of others for him to come out.  I'm sure he just wanted to go home but he was very gracious and patient, signing for everyone and thanking them all for their remarks.  

A word of advice - if any of our faithful readers have not read any PG Wodehouse please take action to correct this immediately!!

1 comment:

Team Strunkin said...

Don't the Brits know how to spell? It's Worcester not Wooster :)