Thursday, January 23, 2014

Filming in Progress

At the end of my walk I was suddenly on a movie set!  I think this happens all the time in London and yet I'm still not cool about it.  I get all excited and can't stop looking for celebrities and asking the security guards annoying questions. Bill had just called me from India but, sadly, I stopped paying attention to him the minute I read the words "Filming in Progress".

 The movie is called Survivor.  Not a brilliant title actually because there is currently a movie out right now called Lone Survivor and, of course, the television show…so lots of other Survivors come up in a google search before I could find this one.  Eventually I did find it and saw that the cast includes Peirce Brosnan and - be still my heart - Emma Thompson!!  But today the only star I saw was Milla Jovovich. She is the one below in the long down coat and impractical shoes going back to her mark for the next take.
There were extras inside the Italian Garden that were choreographed and did the exact same motions every time and then there were passer bys (like me) who were potentially in the shot as they walked in the park.  I actually don't think I made it into any of the takes because I was too busy gawking so they moved me aside.  Also I was dressed in a very recognizable outfit (light blue wind breaker and orange Petey hat - as you can see, that is not the typical London outfit) so I didn't blend in at all.   More on the movie and Milla's stained blouse here.

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