Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Primrose Hill

 Sunday was made for walking - sunny but crispy cool.  So we walked and walked and walked…there were new neighborhoods and plenty of pit stops for a bite or a cuppa.  The best view of the day was from Primrose Hill.
You get a great view of the skyline from this pretty park.  
 There is our old friend the Shard…and the BT Tower on the right.
 You can even see The London Eye surrounded by lots of cranes.

After admiring the view from the park was strolled into the village to check out the wares.  Time for more food and a trip to the local bookshop.  The days are staying light a little bit longer helping us to squeeze every drop out of each weekend.


Kats said...

Oh man, now I'm getting really homesick. This is my home turf, my neighbourhood for many years, and our local park (Primrose Hill) where we spent many Guy Fawkes Nights and New Year's Eves watching fireworks.
Wish I was there!! Ideally with you.... getting some steps in for the FitBit!

didi said...

I think Claudia Winkleman and her twin sister are the ones who actually invented Facebook.