Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Day!

This is why we were not able to fly back to London last night.  I don't know the official data but it looks like we probably go 2 feet altogether and it's still coming down.  This picture was taken late yesterday afternoon after we paid 3 kids to do the first round of shoveling. 
Bill and I spent the later afternoon/evening sitting here in front of the fire. 
 Since we didn't think we would be here, we didn't do the pre storm supermarket run that everyone else did.  So we had to go out to forage.  Don't be fooled by that smile - it was damn cold out there.
 One large cheese pizza and a grilled chicken greek salad, please.
 Newburyport always looks pretty in the snow.
 My new favorite mailbox.  What would you do if your name was Poopko?  Would you change it?  I wouldn't want it for myself but I'm happy to see that someone has it.
 The day's end.  Bill did another round of shoveling while I was tucked up in bed.  For once I was happy to let him get more steps than me on our Fitbits.

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