Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kensington Palace

Now that I have London at my doorstep, I am going to try to get out and about more in the morning before work.  Kensington Palace seemed like the obvious first stop.  And since Diane recently mentioned her interest in the palace I wanted to take a lot of pictures for her.
They had a fashion exhibit going on in the first wing.  This was a coat worn by princess Margaret.  They build her up to be quite a style setter in this exhibit.   I could see myself wearing this although I'd want that fur collar to have a face and some legs.  (Please also note that this is the only picture of me in the whole post.  I actually forgot to do selfies!)
This was a dress worn by Diana - it looked enormous!  Like a big star spangled sack.  Its hard to believe that this shapeless monstrosity was ever in style.  If only Diana had been around a decade or two earlier I think she would have been happier with her fashion legacy.
 These two were a little better but still very 80's.  Look at that eerie projection on the blue dress. They had a film going on the opposite wall and I caught the image in the glass at the perfect time simply by accident.  Diana looks sad to be associated with those big shoulder pads and drop waists.
Off to the state apartments.  This next wing was telling the story of the line of succession from the Stuarts to the Hanoverians.  The way they tell it, the young Stuart heir (aged 11) danced all night and wound up with a fever and died.  Seems a little excessive for a night of dancing, doesn't it?  Anyway, this room was very interesting even though I'm not sure what the rationale was behind it.   All these little rooms were stacked and lit up with cut out paper figures in them. 
 Poor Queen Anne had 18 babies trying to get the monarchy an heir (only to have the one that survived die of a dance).  Rather grim.
 Every palace has to have at least one long gallery.
It required six boys to carry the train of this ermine coronation robe.
 Whose idea was this style?  
 Didi - I think I found the perfect job for you!  This is excellent pay compared to the other jobs.  A spy only made 200 pounds but the Favorite made five times as much just to hold the King's spittoon.  AND a box of chocolates every 2nd Tuesday!!
 This Palace was mostly focused on the reign of Victoria and her beloved Albert.  It was nice to see pictures of them when they were young and in love.

Because this is how we usually see her now.  The fat widow.  I would think the artist of this painting should have been shot.  We get it, you're sad, but a picture of you moping around the palace isn't going to bring him back.
 It was probably just as well that Albert died before his wife started looking like Winston Churchill in drag.  All she needs is a cigar.
 This was my favorite part of the whole palace - a corridor with Diana wallpaper.  I love it!

1 comment:

didi said...

I would laugh at the Kings jokes! Love the blue coat. Any sign of Kate or George?