Monday, October 1, 2012


Good news today, as our buddy Fletch has been promoted to a big time Sales Poobah role.
Fletch will take his personal attributes (sarcasm, impatience, general distain for people) into his new leadership role where he will torture a more senior level of direct report.
Congratulate our favorite West Coast blog fan if you get a chance.


didi said...

Congratulations Fletch. Looks like a dress Bill would wear.

chi said...

This is tremendous Fletch! Good on you! Let the tormenting begin!

Fletch said...

Bill, Thank you for the kind words and helping to make me the big cheese/mucky-muck/head honcho I am today. I think I will start the tormenting today by letting you know that you shouldn't worry, I won't forget "the little people" like you during my meteoric rise to the top. At this rate I should actually be in a position to hire you back as something when you get kicked out of the UK. Of course, my preference would be to hire Jennie as she is far more fashionable, has a better personality, and is generally more fun to be around. You can take solace in the fact that if I was going to hire you I would of course put you through hours of hellish interviews just for the sport of it and would make you do a ride-a-long at the PD. That's just the kind of guy I am. Hurry back soon!