Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No Nooks

I know that historically british food has gotten a bad rap.  Of course, in this age of celebrity chefs and haute cuisine, there are more delicious food options here than ever before.  And I'm happy to go on record as really liking traditional British food - the Sunday roasts, fish & chips, sausages, black pudding and even haggis!   What is better than a ploughman's lunch with cheddar and "pickle"?  You'll note that everything I've listed is pretty heavy fare -- I have no idea how people eat healthy here.  You can almost never get a salad as a meal and everything comes with chips(fries).

And yet, I still find a trip to the grocery store to be a challenge.  There are fewer brands and choices here than at home which I expected.   There are basically 2 sugary cereals for Bill at our Waitrose - Frosted Flakes and their equivalent of Honey Smacks.   I have seen Lucky Charms but that was at a novelty candy store (along with Fluff)!   They also only have 2 or 3 different brands of baked beans but they all come in tomato sauce.  I'll bet you haven't thought much about what kind of sauce your beans come in.  I love baked beans but at home they come in bean sauce.  Why is a tomato flavor being introduced to a can of baked beans??  It's not right.

Americans also do the English Muffin better than the English do.  When Thomas' created nooks & crannies, he didn't do it here.  The muffins here are just little round disks of bread.  They taste fine when toasted but they don't have the same crunch as a muffin at home.  
The British also still haven't caught on to window screens and shower curtains - two perfectly good inventions that have been needlessly ignored.   

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