Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wednesday Night in Windsor

With Bill leaving on Friday and a late con call on Thursday, Wednesday is our last night out for a while.  I decided to wear my "rock and roll" sweater (I'm under an illusion that the faux fur is very rock star....probably 80's rock star but still...)
We tried dinner in a new restaurant (overall rating - food excellent, atmosphere middle of the road, beer selection poor) and then tried a new pub for a pint before heading home.  The pub didn't offer food so it was definitely not a tourist spot.  We watched the locals play pool (snooker??  wasn't the normal 8-ball)  and hang with their mates.  
There is a new statue in town in honor of the Queen's Jubilee.  It was unveiled on Tuesday afternoon by none other than THE QUEEN but I didn't know about it and totally missed it.  Why didn't she call me??

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