Friday, October 19, 2012

Two Days in Edinburgh

Thursday:  This is the back of Andrea's building.  She lives in Dean Village overlooking the river Leith.  The river is high so there is a constant sound of running water - it's a constant subliminal message to pee.  
This is the front door into her building - her window is there on the left. She is actually on the first floor (which in the US is the second floor) and you go over a little bridge to get to the building.  Very cute!
In the morning (before I had to start work) we took a stroll and found the beautiful Dean Cemetery.  I just googled it to see if there were any famous people buried there but none of the notables rang a bell.  We did find one really great monument to an explorer who was shipwrecked in the North West passage as part of the Franklin Expedition.  He survived for 2 years before dying in the Arctic.  A search party eventually brought his body back to Scotland.
I liked this one too.  I have no idea what the story is behind it but was impressed by the way the stone book looks like its burning...of course, who wants a burning book on their grave??
Dinner with Andrea's friend Lynn (left) at a funny little Moroccan (?) restaurant that was full of little nooks and alcoves. After plenty of good food and drinks, our night ended with this carafe of hibiscus water and the bill came in a box with penny candy.  
Friday:  A day of shopping and museums and shopping and eating and shopping.  Edinburgh is beautiful even with grey skies.
 Andrea and I took a quick trip around the art museum and then started up the steps to the Royal Mile.

My first trip to Holyrood House and the Abbey.  My pictures didn't do it justice.  Tomorrow more shopping and a football game at Dunfermline!  It's hard to compete with The Milkman.

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