Saturday, October 27, 2012

So Happy to be Out of the House!

As blog followers know - we had a quiet week due to Bill's nasty American cold.  I went back to a year ago in the blog and found that he was sick on these exact same days in 2011.  I guess we know what we have to look forward to on October 22 - 26, 2013.

Fortunately he is feeling better in time for the weekend which we kicked off with fish and chips at the pub.  It wasn't the best fish & chips ever but I was very happy to be out among the English. 
Our plan for the weekend - London!  

Also we finally added a gadget so that you can get email updates when we post - check out the side bar.  I also finally got rid of that joke list about our popular posts and I'm trying a list about what Bill and I are reading, watching etc.  We'll see if we can keep that interesting....

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