Sunday, September 30, 2012

Too Close to the British today

Finding a grocery store that fits your family's collective personality is important to the family unit.  To paraphrase a friend of ours "now I know I don't like Tesco's".
Shopping for groceries on a Sunday afternoon at Tesco's is like shopping at The Christmas Tree Shop at 7:00pm on Christmas Eve.  The place is poo wrapped in stale pita, cooked in a George Foreman grill.  Usually you reserve this kind of physical contact with strangers to the subway at rush hour or a proctology exam.

The kid in pink had the right idea.  If Jennie love me she would have strapped me into a carriage, given me a couple of dramamine and a London Pride.

Cross Tesco's off the list.  We are looking for the British equivalent of Whole Foods.  Or better yet, we are looking for a delivery service that will bring us Whole Foods.

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