Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stretching the Hammy

Well, looks like we are back to the uneventful days of work - - and working out!  I have a series of stretches and exercises from my physical therapist - one of which is this hamstring stretch.  It may not look like much, but if your hamstring is tight, this will "make it burn" in the words of the immortal Jane Fonda. Yes, I actually had that album - at least I assume that I bought it and not my mother? - and I used to try to do the exercises in the tiny little upstairs hallway in our house on Hunnewell street.  Every time I exercise now I think of the song Can You Feel It which was the opening number on Jane's album (which is probably as far as I got most days and that was only the warm up).  Well look at me now!! Watch out Jane - there's a new fitness guru in town!!

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