Monday, October 29, 2012

London Weekend Part 1

We might have finally found a decent pizza.  It's no Pizza Factory or Nicks but it was good.  We found it on Portobello Road for lunch on Saturday.  The market wasn't quite as packed as previous weekends but still busy enough that we could only take a few hours before wanting to escape.
 We escaped to The Elgin on Ladbrook Grove.  This picture has two elements - the nice stained glass wall and the guy at the bar.  This guy looked so British circa 1970's - longish uncombed hair that covered the collar of his lime green corduroy jacket which was worn over a green cotton turtleneck. Could this have been a Halloween costume?
 Next stop - the Victoria & Albert museum.   This is the kind of place where you go back over and over to take it in in small chunks.  Today's chunk was a photo exhibit and the cafe.  I suspect every visit will include the cafe where I had a yummy scone and we sat in opulence to sip tea.
 No day would be complete without a stroll in the park (Bill's cigar time).  This is the gate to Hyde Park. 

 We ended our day in SoHo at a tiny little restaurant in an alley.  Their whole menu was different types of meat and cheese  - all of it delicious and surprisingly filling.  We were lucky we got there when we did because the few tables filled up fast and they started to close before 10:00.  When we left the waitress ran after us with a little bag of desserts that we didn't order but I guess they didn't want to throw away.
Favorite line of the day was Bill commenting on the aroma in the tube:  "Someone has a bad vegetable".

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