Monday, October 22, 2012

Heid!! (name the movie)

Monday - back at work...boring!!  So here are pictures from the weekend.  Dunfermline vs Morton.  We were rooting for Dunfermline since it's managed by Andrea's friend Jim, but the game was a draw (2-2). Seems strange that huge sections of seats were empty when everyone here seems to live and die by football.    It was a beautiful day for it and the game was pretty exciting.  My favorite part is when the fans sing taunting songs although I can't understand a word they are saying.
 Andrea and I decided to go out for a real Scottish dinner since we'd done Moroccan and Mexican the nights before.  I had haggis with neeps and tatties as an app followed by venison for dinner.  Dee-lish!
You know you're in a Scottish restaurant when the sign says "Mind yer heid".

1 comment:

Mom said...

They might say "heid" in any Scottish movie. "Gregory's Girl"?