Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bill is Sick

Hi Everyone...unfortunately Bill picked up a bad cold on his trip home and so this has been a very quiet week which doesn't make for a good blog post.  So I'm going to have to go back to the archives. What were we doing 4 years ago in October??  We were having a football picnic!  For those of you who attended - here is a blast from the past.

The players:

The audience:
Was this the last time I saw Sue?!!?  Sue - come to Eton!  
Meanwhile, Liam still looks looked like a little kid back then.   Stacey and Whitney are as gorgeous as ever.  Henry looks pretty good in a fro - he might want to consider doing a Mike Brady perm some time?

The MVP Award Winner - Tres!!
 This might be my favorite - Bill being goofy and Julia not buying his rubbish.
2008 was a good year.  

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