Thursday, October 4, 2012

Birthday Eve

Get ready to comment - tomorrow is Bill's birthday so I want to see lots of birthday wishes on the blog! To get warmed up for the big event we went out to a pub tonight - our favorite The Two Brewers.  It was standing room only inside so we ate outside in our coats, scarves, etc. It's getting quite crisp here at night.

I'm including a link today because I have a song stuck in my head...check out this link to a skit/song for Red Nose Day by Flight of the Concords.  It starts a tad slow (until you see Murray of course - who is brilliant.  "Present!")  but the interviews with the kids and the song are quite entertaining.  And the song is very catchy - I can't stop singing it!

  for DiDi


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday wish for Bill! Glad it's all going so well for you guys. Love, Andy

chi said...

I'm waiting to see what Fletch says....

Fletch said...

What are your talking about? That looks like a recent picture of me based on an outfit that I stole from Bill's closet. I go to him for all my fashion advice.