Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Catching up with Mr.Big Shot

I'm catching up on a few days of travels in this blog.  Mom came over Saturday and we had a nice catch up.  She hung outside with me in the cool weather, so I gave her a blanket as a reward.  I've said this before, but you're never too old to miss your Mom.
 On Sunday I had to be in Boston to present at an 8:00am meeting.  Afterward they arranged a wine tour in the city, stopping at four nice restaurants to sample wine and nosh.  I don't like wine so I had beer and scotch.  Beer and scotch at 2:00 in the afternoon was probably not a great choice.  I still had plenty of day to be "on" with my teammates.
 I regrouped after the scotch by hanging in Copley.  Took this picture of a nice Jewish wedding while I had a cigar.
 On Monday the International team went to the corporate office.  It was great for me to return and see my old buddies.  They treated me very nicely.  The occasion for the visit was the 35th anniversary of our company. Congresswoman Niki Tsongas and Governor Deval Patrick came to show support, which I thought was a very nice touch.
And finally, we had an International Expo where all the regions competed for the Corporate employee's attention.  The thing about these pictures is that it's probably not too far fetched for me to wear on a normal day.


didi said...

Trudie looks very happy to have her son home!

chi said...

Bill and Fletch! You guys rock! http://www.lowellsun.com/todaysheadlines/ci_21782477/kronos-cruising-chelmsford

Oh, and the cat guy, too (laughing to tears AGAIN on that one! I HAVE to get a copy of that card!)