Saturday, October 6, 2012

Birthday Weekend Day 1

We both had to work on Friday but we did go out to dinner later that night.  I even gussied up a bit to mark the occasion.  Bill likes it when I gussy.
 This is what a 51 year old Bill looks like.  I think he still has that youthful glow although we were next to a table of Eton boys so the shine might have been coming from them and bouncing off Bill.  Anyway, we went to one of the better foodie places just over the bridge.  Bill had crispy whitebait for an app which is exactly as described - fisherman's bait, whole little fish fried up in a batter.  Wee lower left corner of picture.  He followed that up with the suckling pig and a few pints of Ram Rod.
 I had the scallops, a few splashes of wine and the duck (of course).  I followed that up with my first Eton Mess.  I can't live in Eton without trying it, right??
Bill is working on his London birthday itinerary for Saturday.  So far I've only seen him on cigar websites....I'm in trouble....


chi said...

sounds like there are some book store visits in your future! Happy Birthday weekend Bill!

didi said...

wee photos. suckling pig. ram rod. sounds like a great start to the bday weekend.

Amie said...

Happy Birthday weekend to Bill!