Sunday, October 14, 2012

Various Walks

Our little street runs parallel to Eton High Street (the main drag with the shops etc).  The English are very keen on walkthroughs and short cuts so there is a little walking path where we can cut through rather than walk around the block.  It's a narrow passage between two old buildings that turns halfway so you can't see who's coming at you until you get to the bend.  As you can imagine, I have mixed feelings about this.  It's a murder site just waiting for a psychopath but it's also really cool and I love it.
 I may have mentioned the Long Walk here a few times...I finally walked all the way to the statue of King George III.  Hard to believe that I haven't walked the whole way until now!!
This is the view from the statue end.  Who could resist this view?  
Today was a neighborhood clean up day on The Brocas.  I met up with Louise and she introduced me to all the neighbors who pitched in.  Fortunately most of the men are named Peter so when in doubt I can just try that name but I can't even remember who was who at this point.  The clean up was very organized - they even had a box of those picker upper things that have a trigger to grab the litter so you can put it in your bag without touching it.  After the clean up Louise, Marian and I went to Sunday Lunch at The Palmer in Dorney.  Then tea at Marian's fabulous flat overlooking the Thames and the castle.  It's good to be posh!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am so envious of all your walks!