Monday, October 8, 2012

My photographs don't do me justice - they just look like me. Phyllis Diller

What are some of your favorite photos?  The ones of your family and friends are, most likely, at the top of your list.  But what about the photos you've come across in your life that you remember instantly.  Here are a few of mine.

I think Muhammad Ali is my favorite athlete.  Jen will give me shit because how could I not choose Larry Bird.  I love Larry Bird.  But Ali was unlike anyone before him.  He was funny and cocky and he always backed up his statements.  Larry was too, but Ali remains the world's most iconic athlete.

 The real question is how there wasn't more pictures like this?  You have to give her props, Jayne Mansfield brought her girls to the party.

 This is the picture that inspired this blog post.  The fireman at the farm stand picking out his favorite pumpkin while the house behind him burns down.  I love this!

2004 Red Sox.  I shouldn't have to say anything more.

I have been saving this photo to use in someway for Mother Entwistle.  She loves rats.  This photos chills me.  I hate it.  I love it.

Do you have any favorites we can post?

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