Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sunday in Richmond

Sunday was the first day of the next three weeks of entertaining myself.** The weather was beautiful - probably the warmest day of the year here so far (80 degrees?).  I decided to go explore Richmond.  This was one of the areas that we were considering moving to when we came last year.  It's close to London (a little more than half way to London on our train line) but still outside the city enough to feel suburban.  But the distance for Bill to commute to work just seemed too long and, as you all know, we ended up in Eton.  I'm only posting the most picturesque scenes here - the main streets are full of chain stores, fast food restaurants and packed with traffic.  But on a sunny day the bustling atmosphere, the narrow lanes of boutiques, and colorful bunting made me pine a little for what could have been.

Like Windsor and Eton, Richmond is right on the Thames and on a day like Sunday, everyone wanted a little piece of river side real estate.

After exploring (and shopping) I decided it was time for tea for one and a slice of blackberry loaf.  The cafe had tables by the river that turned over frequently enough that I was able to snag one and settle in with my book and a view of the water.  A perfect day trip - - I'm already looking at the calendar to see when I can get back....

**It's not entirely true that I have to entertain myself for 3 weeks since I have a visitor flying in next Friday...but arranging that was all part of the "Entertaining Jen While Bill is Away" program.

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