Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bugging Out in China

More pictures from the other side of the world where the men wear bibs to eat a pile of bugs. 
 I'm not sure which is more disturbing - that Bill actually ate those worms or that Travel Monkey* is touching them!!  Either get a bib for Travel Monkey or get him the hell off the worm board!!
*Knowing that Bill was going to be away for 3 weeks and that he would really be missing our monkeys I found him a travel companion that is still unnamed and therefore referred to as "Travel Monkey".  I think Mr. Dibley is very happy not have made this trip.

Since I drafted the above I received another photo - Travel Monkey is bug free and looking for love!  Turns out Bill's China colleague, Sam (the one wearing diaper pants a few days ago), took Travel Monkey from Bill and gave him to Sue Su!  Bill had to go ask for him back...I smell an international incident brewing.....


Mom said...

Where do you find all these monkeys? They all look like they are related. What zoo are you pilfering from?

Jen and Bill said...

We get them from the zoo of Jellycat. If you google images of jellycat monkeys you are bound to see some familiar faces!