Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fitbit Friends and Brothers From Another Mother - - Jen and Chris and Bill and Earle

On Saturday my friends Chris and Earle came down from VT to spend the weekend. Chris and Earle are part of the Booktopia gang and Chris is one of my Fitbit Buddies. (In case it hasn't been clearly stated in the blog - there is a group of seven of us from Booktopia that also have Fitbits and we have become quite a close knit clan.)

Since this is the start of Yankee Homecoming, we started the day at the Art on the Mall show/sale.  There were several items that tempted us and Bill tried to start a competition to see which couple could buy more art but we all lost.
After lunch and a stop at the bookstore we hit the beach.  
Chris and I took a long walk and I compared Fitbit numbers.  Somehow I got 500 more than she did on the same walk.  
Bill took this opportunity to wear his white shoes. 

So while Chris and I were walking, Bill and Earle were bonding.  Seems like they were separated at birth although we don't really know what they bonded over.  I guess what happens on Plum Island stays on Plum Island.  One thing we know they both enjoyed was the view.

At sunset we tore ourselves away from the waves and the bikinis to head back to town for dinner where we covered everything from political current events to podcasting to flatulence at yoga.   

Laura graciously opened her house to them since our house was full of MacKay boys of every age.  Then Laura joined us for breakfast back on Plum Island and entertained us with many stories covering her years in the peace corp and the Atwood street gossip. 
Now that Bill and Earle are mates, they decided to pose as manly men with tools.  Are you buying this look?
Meanwhile, Chris and I don't need props - we just have our happy smiles.    I was so sad to see them go.  Come to England, C&E!  Bookstores, beer, castles and royals are all waiting for you.

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