Saturday, July 20, 2013

America and Ireland Converge in Paris

Our day started at the La Pomme (the Apple Store) in the middle of Paris.  Unfortunately for Di's ipohone, the French and American versions have differences and they couldn't apply their French tech support skills on Di's American iphone.  We didn't even mention that it was covered in pee.
These are our traveling companions - Ann and Maeve!!  They are Diane's cousins from Ireland and we are all staying at the same hotel for the next few days.  According to Diane, Anne and I are impossible to tell apart by looking at our legs.  Maeve is 11 and gave me a run for my money with her photo poses.  

We spent a few hours in the Lafayette  - a giant upscale department store.  If you shop it bottom to top you are rewarded with this view at the end of your spending spree.  We relaxed out on the roof terrace a while before we went back for a few more items.  Ann and I are shopping kindred spirits, leaving no hat untried, no scarf untied.

This is the inside of Lafayette - - we were able to shop and sightsee all at once since it was such an amazing building.

At the end of our day, Diane decided to take bath while I went for an evening stroll.  The Arch de Triomphe is not far from our hotel.  This is it at 10:30 at night.  The round about that goes around it is crazy!  You can see how all the headlights seem to go in different directions.  I don't know how there isn't an accident there at least once an hour.

 Place de Victor Hugo is just a few blocks from our hotel.  I snapped this on the way back.  Not quite as majestic but still beautiful.


didi said...

Irish Maeve thinks that Bill looks like Johnny Depp! If only you were displaying some beads, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Lovin the blog I read down to the gardens that Jen went to see! You have a new reader!! ;-) THE AMAZING MAEVE!!!!

Steve Finnell said...
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