Friday, July 12, 2013

Day One of Di's European Tour

Heading to Heathrow soon to pick up Diane (That's "Didi" to blog readers who see her comments....hmmm...who will comment on the blog when Di is here with me?)  Eton is the first stop on her big summer vacation - strange to think that I'll be back in the states before she is!
Anyway, it's been a long time since I've driven and almost never without Bill as my copilot so it will be a challenge to get to Heathrow and back without incident.


didi said...

We made it home from the airport -- a few learnings -- the rotarys go the wrong way, Big Brother sends you speeding tickets in the mail, and there are huge square speed bumps in the road.

Amie said...

glad you made it safely driving! have fun with didi!