Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Memories of Tobermory

We've been back from Scotland for a few days now and Bill is already off on his next adventure but I still have some random pictures that haven't been posted yet.  There are a few classics we need to get from Mike & Kim so this probably won't be the last Scotland revisit....

I met this little lamb on one of my morning walks.  She must have thought I was a Hollywood scout the way she trotted right up to the camera, ready for her close up.
Even on a grey day Tobermory is a perfect postcard.  

We noticed this van parked in town.  There is a little home made cardboard box hanging near the rearview mirror where passerbys can drop coins for the Otter Fund.  We probably should have stopped to read the details since I don't know if Otters are about to be extinct or if we are sending them to college or what this fund actually does.
Bill made friends with the cat of Tobermory.  This cat has several books out about him and seemed to act like the mayor of the town.  He was down by the pier when Bill and I went for tea one afternoon and we regularly saw him on our walks up the steep hill to our hotel.  He has a wikipedia page and, after a quick google, I just learned that there is a dispute right now between the person who started his Facebook page and the person who published the book.  Meanwhile we understand that there have actually been 3 different cats in this role since they have been squashed by cars.  You can certainly see how since the road that Bill and TC are on here has two blind switchbacks.
One rainy afternoon we wandered into the Mishnish pub for a late lunch and a pint.  I love the dark wood and the tartan rug.  In the corner was an accordion player so we could hear Scottish tunes as we ate.  The collages on the walls were of staff and regulars over the years  - it looks like they have a very fun time at the Mishnish!!

I love to travel and Scotland is definitely one of my favorite places in the world.  I want to see every inch of it - but then how will I have time to also get back to these gorgeous places?  I hate the thought that I won't be standing in this spot looking at Tobermory bay again.

1 comment:

didi said...

Lovely post. The lamb reminds me of you, Jen, always ready for her close up.