Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm no Bear Grylls

It seems that the passion for the outdoors and camping and climbing skips a generation.  Those are not activities that I instilled in Bret.  My Dad is the one who he would have picked that up from.  Bret and my Dad only overlapped one year. Maybe it was enough for Bret to transfer his outdoorsie vibe.

Bret likes to say that I used to be a camper but I changed.  He thinks I used to wear flannel shirts and hiking boots.  It's funny the memories you have as a kid.  In reality, I camped twice with them.  Once was a disaster.  I had no money and brought minimal supplies.  I remember trying to open a can of beans with a rock.  However, if Bret wants to remember me as a Boy Scout then let's just leave him with that memory.

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