Monday, July 29, 2013

Mackay Boys

We spent the day with the boys.  My how they've grown.

Malikai playing with bugs
Mini-meltdown during breakfast

Wyatte taking a picture of the two of us.  His arm isn't long enough.
I have yellow war paint on.  (it was actually a yellow mushroom I rubbed on my face to make the kids laugh.  They thought it was weird)

Wyatte loves to climb.  Bret hooked him up in his tree harness.  Wyatte was asking which branches he could cut down.  He's a future tree man.
Big hug from Malikai.  What's better than a random hug from your grandkid.
Bret-man is looking good.  His work with trees has him really fit and tanned.  I, on the other hand, am rocking a pasty white, flabby soft look
Busy weekend, sad to see end.

1 comment:

didi said...

The yellow paint makes you look like Johnny Depp ... Really! :)