Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Carnies in Paris

If you thought Paris was all designer labels and wine snobs, guess again.  There are also carnies!!  A Fun Fair was set up on the grounds of the Louvre so we decided to go check it out.  It was the usual assortment of rides, games and sugary teeth-rotting food.  I didn't bother to find out if French cotton candy and fried dough is better than American - we'll just assume that it is.

 No one wanted to go on the death defying rides like the one where you end up hanging upside down in the air on the end of  along arm.  I don't know how those people are not vomiting into their plastic helmet hoods.  Instead we chose a nice, gentle ride that probably won't kill us if it malfunctioned - the carousel.  We did our best to make it exciting.

 The real action was at the shooting range.  Maeve really wanted to win a teddy bear.
In Europe, everyone thinks that all Americans own and shoot guns.  I used to think that was a silly generalization until I saw"Gunslinger" take down a row with bullets to spare!!
As soon as they saw that Annie Oakley was in town, they changed the Teddy Bear requirement so we would have to pay more than it was worth in bullets to even try to get it.  I guess carnies scam you no matter what country you're in.

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