Friday, February 1, 2013

Ode to a Chair

We moved out here in one crate but we are going to need at least two to get home.  Our new chair was delivered today.  Finally a comfy spot to rest me bum (as the Brits say).  The living room furniture that came with the house was less than ideal (rock hard seats) and I really needed a spot to read.  Ebay to the rescue.  We also "won" a footstool for 9 pounds but for some reason that hasn't arrived yet.  

Britism of the day:  I'm watching the news about hundreds of bird covered in a white wax that conservationists need to clean off.  They are using "washing up" liquid (which is on my dish soap label as well.) This is reminiscent of the Christmas tree light "switch on".  I really like these phrases and hope to incorporate them and others like them into my daily life.