Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who are these handsome strangers?!!

The boys had their FIRST EVER haircut last week!!   
They look so handsome but so different from the little boys we left behind. 
Wyatte looks old enough to vote now, while Malikai still has those baby face cheeks.  They were very excited to show off their new looks via FaceTime on Sunday.  

We were saying how the difference in their looks reminds us of the difference between Bret and Joey growing up, Bret being Wyatte and Joey, Malikai.   So Bill snuck this photo in as a comparison to Bret and Joey.  This is Halloween around '96 or '97.  Joey is probably the same age as Malikai.  While these sailor outfits are pretty impressive, Bill was the real star of the show as a battle ship!!  We need to get THAT picture on line....
 As a reminder of how long their hair was prior to last week, here is a recent picture of the boys rock climbing.

1 comment:

didi said...

WOW, the boys look great. The Sailors are pretty cute too. I'll hold my comment about Bill as a battleship.