Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Revenge of the Windsor Nerds

This afternoon I made my way out of the house for the first time in two days.
Jen and I caught food poisoning, a first for both of us.  This adventure keeps on giving.
I won't go into detail about the intimacy we had with our toilet Sunday and Monday, but let me just say it was spectacular.
So I ventured out for a haircut to get some fresh air.  I reluctantly returned to old man Antonio, in Windsor.  I say reluctantly because the last time I went we tried to converse but he doesn't speak English.  The only word I understood was when he touched my bald spot and said that I need a toupee.  

While waiting for my haircut I stood outside and watched the goings on in the local gaming store.  It's one of those fantasy game places.  I watched with fascination as men in their twenties stood around with their Star Wars fighter jets, measuring where to place them for the pretend battle that would never happen.  
I'm all for hobbies but it's Tuesday.  At 2:00 in the afternoon.  Shouldn't these nerds be working?  I was in full-judging-mode when I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection in the glass.  Fifty one year old guy wearing a pink ski cap smoking a cigar lurking outside the gaming store.
I'm sure the nerds were having the last laugh.

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