Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Walk Around Eton Campus

It's winter weather at home but in England it's suddenly Spring.  I went out for my walk the other day and barely made it around the block before I wanted to go home and get rid of my sweater.  I also wanted to grab my camera because I had strolled behind the buildings at Eton and wanted to get a few shots.  Here are the pictures from my walk behind Eton campus.

Today's weather forecast included these statements (with very little location specifics):  heavy rain, gales gusts, patches of sun and mild temperatures.  That actually covers the whole spectrum doesn't it?  Rain, sun, wind, mild...all in one day.  It must be pretty easy to be a weather forecaster here because no matter what you say, it's probably happening.
And since I'm watching the morning news I'll add this little British-ism:  There is a ring road around London and traffic is reported Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise.  You'll be interested to know that the clockwise traffic is slow right now.

I know you've all seen this shot a million times but it concludes my (anti-clockwise?) morning loop around Eton.  Every time I walk across the Brocas I stop and enjoy the view. 


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful walk you must have every day! I'm very envious!


amp said...

So "heavy rain, gales gusts, patches of sun and mild temperatures" was exactly the weather here today, including gusts of over 80 mph! Karmic weather connections.

ps I think Will should go to Eton if he doesn't get into any of the private schools around here, or maybe even if he does