Monday, February 25, 2013

Sight Seeing

We had another great day with Mike on Sunday.  First stop Westminster to see Parliament, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey.  I love the Parliament area and all the little crowns on the lamp posts and fences.

Because it was Sunday we couldn't go into the Abbey with services in session but it's very impressive from the outside.  In case you're wondering, this is where Kate and William were married.  Look familiar?  I'm surprised that Bill and I have never been to Westminster Abbey until now but we definitely need to get back when we can explore inside.
 I actually had a much more exciting post planned but Bill has run off to the office and the photos I thought were downloaded from his phone were not in Blogger. So tune in tomorrow....

1 comment:

amp said...

Can you go up into Big Ben? In california last week, we got a great view of the entire Bay area from the top of Cal-Berkeley's clock tower.