Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dear Sausage.....

Dear Sausage,

     I am playing in a polo match with Prince William next month.  He's in on the opposing team and the game is a championship match with the winner getting the prestigious Sausage Cup.  My game is an aggressive one, filled with bumps and borderline cheating.  But my team needs me to be the polo goon to win.
     If the opportunity arises, and it will, should I take a run at Willy and risk world scorn in the name of the Sausage Cup?

Goon of the Eton Polo Team
Dear Goon,
My motto is always "Run at the Willy!" so you must realize that the odds with me are stacked in your favor (or favour as we say in the Empire).  But enough about you, let's talk about me.  I'm not going to my eponymous cup to watch a bunch of namby-pambies kowtow to Mr. Fancy Pants.  I'm looking for action and entertainment.  If not for the team, do it for me.

Sausage xx

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