Sunday, February 10, 2013

Not so High on Wycombe

Andrea and Sita left for her 7 hour drive to Edinburgh around noon, so we decided to spend a rare weekend day around our home town.  We are always in search of pubs with fireplaces and we were fortunate to land one.  We got the prime window seat at The Duchess of Cambridge on the High Street.  This seat carried the additional responsibility of tending to the fire (we took it upon ourselves, it wasn't like they forced us to).  The Duchess of Cambridge is nice, but suffers from trying to impress tourists too much.  There is a giant picture of Prince Charles tipping back a pint in The Duchess.  The picture is clearly twenty years or more old.  Jen and I envisioned that Charles was getting a raft of shit from his Mom the Queen about the tart Diana, so he walked across the street and got plowed.

(Jen didn't want me to include this picture, but doesn't it make you smile?)

Our nighttime activity was a trip to High Wycombe for a movie.  High Wycombe sounds nicer than it is.  It's a giant shopping center.
We saw Zero Dark Thirty.  It's an intense couple of hours.  Torture scenes tough to take.  But we give it two thumbs up.


didi said...

where's the picture of charles?

amp said...

Boo, zero dark thirty, boo!

Anonymous said...

Great picture of Jen!