Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Leeds Castle is not in Leeds

Our ultimate destination last weekend (see how I drag the weekend out - it's Wednesday for cryin' out loud) was Leeds Castle.    At breakfast at the bed & breakfast I asked the guest at the other table if he'd been to Leeds Castle and he said, "Yes, it's magnificent."  You know what?  It WAS pretty damn magnificent.  
 This castle has has been around since the Doomsday book.  Henry the VIII and Catherine of Aragon lived here.  in the 1920's it was bought by an Ango-American woman who became Lady Baillie.  She renovated it and live in it until she died, bequeathing it to a charitable trust to open it to the public.  This all means that the castle is in really good shape. Sure there have been some updates but there's also still a lot of old castle-y things.  And many of the rooms have been reverted back to show how it would have been during the Tudor times.  So you get rooms that look like this....

 And rooms like this (Lady Baillie's bedroom)
Of course, what castle would be complete without a Queen?  Petey felt right at home.

After the castle I hit the wall.  The cold was too much for me so we came home and I started going through a several boxes of tissues and paracetemol. 

1 comment:

amp said...

What is in that suitcase in Lady Baillie's bedroom? Some kind of early 20th century erotica tool set? I hope Petey wasn't too shocked.