Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting home in Black and White

On Sunday we took a total of 95 pictures - between Chinatown and the drunken photo shoot in the pub we had a lot of crap to choose from when we got home.  The train ride home had delays so we started snapping away on the train as well. Bill used this artsy black and white setting and these are the best of the lot.  FIrst you've got the ubiquitous "Jen Picture Face".  Then a real classic - do I look a little guilty?  Bill makes the shot though.  He's giving me that "I know what you did" look.
The last is my favorite.  I love that straight face look - probably because I'm incapable of making one. He looks like he knows the secrets of the universe. Stare at him until it gets creepy.


didi said...

I've seen that Bill face once or twice after a few drinks and a really, really inappropriate comment (while Jen was laughing in the background, of course.) Love the B&W pics

Team Strunkin said...

That guy behind Bill looks like he doesn't even know the secrets of his train ride.