Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This is what being in England is all about

I think the ecstatic look on my face in this first picture really says it all.  Sunday we were wandering around London looking for a pub for lunch when we saw a line of people in period garb and giant bibs waiting in line at a food truck.  Have you already guessed?  DOWNTON ABBEY was filming!!!!!
Now before you get over the top excited I have to add that we did not see any stars, only extras.  But I was still thrilled to be so close to the Downton action.

Bill wanted to give up the pub and just get in line for grub but I was pretty sure they didn't wear mustard pants and wool hats with ear flaps on Downton.  I did say: "Thank you for filming Downton Abbey - we love it!" to the people in line.  I noticed that they did get rather enormous plates of food so maybe we should have gotten in line after all.

They were all eating inside buses.  It was like being at a human zoo - gawking at Downton extras eating in their natural habitat.  It all really made my day and I'm still giddy about it.  I will definitely be on the look out next season for a London scene with a lot of extras and know that I was there for lunch.


amp said...

You should have found one of the producers and yelled "Stop murdering our favorite characters! Stop the Downton slaughter! Blood on your hands..." etc

didi said...

I am too jealous to write anything witty.

chi said...

This happened on SUNDAY and we are just reading about it on WEDNESDAY!?!? WTF??!?

Jen and Bill said...

I know Christin - I'm sorry to bury the lead but we are having camera problems so I had to get these off Bill's phone. Plus I couldn't wait to post the hair cut photos.

Amie said...

I am totally jealous of your luck!