Saturday, February 23, 2013

OSCAR weekend

It's Oscar weekend and we in the Entwistle-MacKay household have a vested interest in the outcome.  Our own Jennie is up for an Oscar for her role in "Jengo Unchained".  Jennie plays a mild manner librarian who goes off when she finds out her English Breakfast tea is being made with sub-par leaf.
Jennie's critics would say that this wasn't acting at all and doesn't deserve an award.  We say just because there is a little method acting in her performance, doesn't mean she isn't brilliant.
Buy the DVD when it comes out.  There is a fun outtake where Jennie accidentally cuts off the thumb of a shopkeep with a machete.
Wish us luck on Sunday!

1 comment:

amp said...

Dunno about that DVD. How many commentary tracks will be included? Do we get Petey's views?