Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Criminals Don't Wear Mustard Pants

After Chartwell we had enough of the afternoon left to check out Tunbridge Wells before heading to our bed and breakfast in Detling.  I picked this town because the used bookstore was recommended on line.  Since it was on a pedestrian-only street our poor GPS had us going round and round in circles without quite getting us there.  We finally parked the car and decided to try on foot.  Doesn't it look wonderful?  Inside was a rickety narrow staircase leading up to the history and biography sections and every inch of the way was stacked with books.  Definitely worth the effort.

This area of the town was very quaint and cozy.  Bill got a tea and sat outside a cafe with his cigar while I spent some time going through the shelves.
I came out with quite a variety including a book of photographs of Winston Churchill (Family Album), an illustrated diary of Queen Victoria's time at Balmoral (the plaid book on the right), a tomb of Royal Anecdotes, a few novels by Angela Thirkell and Stella Gibbons and  a couple of awesome pulp fiction editions of Agatha Christie (bottom right).  I definitely could NOT resist those.  

We found another little back alley to go to the street where we left the car.  I love these alleys although I do think they are easy targets for the criminally inclined.  Where would you run to on a dark night in this walkway?  Even Bill looks scary standing there in those mustard pants.  (Mental note - if we do ever decide to commit crimes, don't wear the distinctive mustard pants.)
We did take some pictures at dinner but my nose was bright red from blowing it all day long so I'm definitely not posting them. 


didi said...

Is anyone going to comment on your choice of dinner restaurant? Anything I say is going to get me (and Jen) in trouble...

Jen and Bill said...

Ha ha!! At one point I did have a callout to you about that but then I decided to leave it and see if you noticed it on your own, Di!! I'm glad you didn't let me down :-)