Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Photo Ops in London Pubs

All the New Year revelry made us hungry and thirsty.  We had lunch on Sunday at the Crown and Anchor in Seven Dials area.
And of course, a couple of pints always means a photo op.

Shortly after lunch we were walking around in the rain when we saw this little pub tucked down an ally near Covent Garden.  The Lamb and Flag has been around since 1772 and earned the nickname "The Bucket of Blood" in the early 19th century because of it's reputation for pub fights.  We managed to steer clear of any fisticuffs and had a few more pints.  
These are the only three that we could salvage from our silly photo shoot. There are a lot of pictures of the back of Bill's head, Jen's slack jaw, eyes closed, no flash....

One storefront that caught my eye in Seven Dials was this eyeglass shop - Spex in the City.
I realized on Monday that the BAFTA ceremony (Britain's Oscars!) was taking place Sunday night only a few streets away from where we were hanging out all day.  I was kicking myself for not being more on the ball to go watch the red carpet!!! 

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