Monday, February 11, 2013

Ku Hei Fat Choi!!

Hmmm what's going on?  Bill told me to go "look bewildered".  This is my bewildered look.
It's Chinese New Year!!  So we spent the day in London's Chinatown.  We tried to get near the festivities in Trafalgar Square but it was just too crowded and the stage show was cordoned off.  We got a few shots from the steps of the National Gallery but they had guards there telling everyone to keep moving in and out of the museum to prevent hoards of people from just standing there taking pictures (like us).

But there was plenty of action in Chinatown to keep us busy.  Either this dragon was everywhere or there were multiple dragons.   It/they were surrounded by drums and security and frenzy so it was very hard to get a shot.  I finally snapped this as it passed us on one of the tiny side streets.
Of course the whole time all I could think of was one of my favorite lines from What's Up Doc: "There's not much to see actually...we're inside a Chinese dragon." 

Because Bill is an International HR Director, he is able to assimilate with anyone and blend into any culture.   Can you tell which one is Bill?

We tool a lot of pictures in the street trying to capture the crowd and the colorful decorations.  It doesn't actually look colorful because we set the camera to "pinhole".  It's a cool effect but probably not the best one for  a Chinese New Year photo shoot.

1 comment:

amp said...

I was so worried there would be no shot of the dragon but then, the dreaded dragon butt shot. Ouch.