Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mike Comes to Town

Colorado Mike arrived yesterday - well rested after sleeping on the plane and ready for action.   We took him all around WIndsor and Eton and lunch at the Two Brewers.  Then he and Bill had a little snuggle on the couch. Who says bromance is dead?

Since we were taking him to all our local favorites we hit The Drury House for dinner.

Our friend, Steven, joined us at the end of dinner.  He was celebrating England's beating of France in Rugby.  Despite having a few pints in him, Steve was able to give us a history lesson on  not only England-France relations, but also Sparta and Persia's battles in Greece. 
We went for a lovely Drury House meal and got a history lesson as a bonus. 

1 comment:

Steven Turner said...

Lovely to see you both again Jen and Bill. So sorry to have been a little too merry following the rugby, but glad to hear you enjoyed my limited knowledge. Hope to see you again and share a pint with you both. Please pass on my best wishes to Mike.